Smart Resources Recycling

End of Life Rubber Tires Recycling

Material Supplier Admin

From the Material Supplier Admin menu, depending up your access levels you can do the following actions;

  • Create a New Supplier
  • Edit/Update and View Supplier Details
  • Create PDFs of Supplier Materials to send to buyers.

New Suppliers

Provide new supplier details. Capture Contact Details, Materials supplied and Quantities


View Suppliers

View existing supplier details. You can print PDF of Supplier Information.

Edit Suppliers

Edit existing supplier details. You can update address, contact details and quanities.  You can also add remove materials supplied.

Print Product Sheets

You can print PDFs of Supplier Material Product Sheets to provide to potential buyers. Please note only country of origin is provided and no supplier contact details.

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Material Supplier Admin
Buyer Admin
Agreements Admin